The newest pattern and a FREE ebook!

[[Exciting update! This quilt will be displayed at QuiltCon 2024.]]

Warm Days and Cool Nights is my newest quilt pattern. It is a fun combination of improvisational piecing and foundation paper piecing based on the traditional Rocky Road to Kansas quilt block. While it has a complex appearance, both the improvisational aspects and the foundation paper piecing skills needed to complete the quilt are well within the grasp of a confident beginning quilter. Anyone with a sense of adventure who has made at least a couple of quilts can achieve this. The instructions are detailed and are written with a beginner in mind.

I've also written a FREE 24-page Beginner's Guide to Foundation Paper Piecing for those of you who have been wanting to try FPP, but weren't sure how to get started. Make sure to put it in your shopping cart, too!